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I have a re-accruing dream. It's bizarre and yet it makes sense. In this dream i have a choice - I could go back in time and yet i would have the same wisdom or knowledge that i have now - To the time i had Alix, my oldest daughter.If i could do that, i could change the course of history with Alix, and things would be soooo different and soooo much better!!!BUT, if i did that, i probably wouldn't have Rose, my second daughter who i can see being my best Friend through life, because i couldn't stand to stay with her dead-beat father.[And probably sacrifice having Jason with John as well]So, would i go back in time and change my relationship with Alix? Or leave things the way they are with Alix [really bad] and have this awesome relationship with Rose? [And Jason/John]It's a tough call, and it pops up in my dreams all the time.There's only one thing i know for sure 100% in this time travel thing. I would definitely know how to stay thin, and do it! lol
I don't watch horror movies or movies where kids get hurt, so i don't know where this dream came from!*
In this dream i had a son who was just plain evil! He was about 4yo and would just sit and stare, waiting for an opportunity to try and hurt me or anyone who came to the house [It was just me and the boy who lived together] He never spoke.His bedroom was just across the hall from my room, and whenever i turned my light on at night, i would see his beady little eyes staring at me in the dim light that filled his room. I would turn the light off, wait a minute, turn the light back on, and he would be a bit closer, just staring.All very creepy! But i wasn't scared of him, we just co-existed together. Despite the fact that he'd stabbed me several times over time!Then a woman and her daughter [who was about 4 as well] moved in with us. The woman was scared of the boy so she and her daughter slept in my room with me.He kept trying to stab them and one night i distracted him so the woman and her daughter could get away out the front door. He caught on to them escaping though and i had to restrain him [while he had a great big knife mind you] while they got away. The woman said she wouldn't come back till i dealt with the boy, and i knew the only way i could do that was to kill him. The problem with that is that no court could possibly understand why i had to kill this child. I would go to jail for a lifetime for killing him and be branded a child killer, when i would actually be saving society from a mass murderer! So i went to his room, [which i never went into] and i found that he was actually cloning himself. There was a set of bunks and on the top was a sleeping baby of himself, about 6 months old. And on the bottom bunk was a boy about 8 years old [of himself]. [3 life sentences].They were both just as evil as the 4yo. But the 8yo spoke and he wanted me to do something but i can't remember what. I'd have to start by killing the baby, so i told the 8yo that if he waited a minute, I'll climb in next to him so we can talk.Then i killed the baby by suffocating him in his sleep. [It was very graphic and i won't go into it because i imagine it would be just like that. It didn't bother me in my dream because it was something that had to be done. But when i woke up i felt horrible that i could dream something like that!]Then i knelt down to look at the 8yo [who had no idea what had just happened] and said, "Do i look different now?" And he said that i did. I got into bed with him as promised, and he started talking about fencing [building fences] ......and that's where it ended.
2 nights ago i had a dream about a mountainside house. It was a home built into the side of an inaccessibly steep , red-brown rocky mountain by a rich man and it was called "The cactus house" which was odd coz there were no cactuses around it or on the front balcony [also carved out of the rock].I was with Mum who was a short Asian lady with big hair, and we went to visit the house [Don't ask me how we got to that balcony! lol]The front door was a huge archway and it had a patted plant on each side of the door. We went inside and the house was very bare. There was a fridge in the kitchen that was like a shop fridge [glass door] and it was full of Pepsi and milk.There were a few other things in the house, but i left it too long to re-live it and i can't see them in my head any more.But the back of the house was all ceiling to floor windows, and outside there was giant cactuses of all sorts [Mostly hens and chickens] and in my dream they took my breathe away!Then the owner of the house came in. He was in his late 20's, early 30's, and he complained that he'd been away, and during that time the local residents had put together a petition to have his house removed because it was in the way of a rock pit [to the left of his house was a lot of fist sized grey rocks covering the ground in about a 50 foot radius, and the neighbours were calling them a rock pit]
He was given time to object but he missed the deadline, so he had to move out of his house. I felt the panic for him. I wanted to rescue the house so badly! But there was no way it could be saved.He went out on the balcony to be by himself, and Mum followed him out there to flirt with him.Then i left and that was it :o)
This is one of those bizarre dreams where fiction crosses over to reality.Where i remember this dream starting, John was invited to have a go at cooking in our fav restaurant [which would be Hogs Breath Cafe in reality] during a busy time.I watched him settle right in to fixing dishes. He kinda looked like someone else, but still looked like him. He was happy and smiling, and as i watched him, i felt really lucky that he was my husband. I admired him and appreciated his every move.We had a table at the restaurant with my sisters [younger sister and once removed sister] and all of our kids. I decided to order a jaffa [My fav flavour in reality that no-one keeps anymore] thick shake and i counted the change in my wallet. I figured it wouldn't cost any more than the $5 note i had. They took ages to make the shake, and by the time i got it, there was a white plate with a crumbed prawn on it that looked like a crumbed lamb cutlet. There was something else on the plate, but i can't remember what it was. And then there was the thick shake. The person at the counter said that would be $16. I yelled out to Rose who was at the table, to bring me her wallet because i didn't have enough money. She wasn't fast enough so i went over to the table to get her wallet myself. I was starting to get frustrated, and for some bizarre reason, I punched a girl in the head who was at our table. I don't know who she was, but she was only about 4 years old!! [And the girl was defiantly NOT my 4yo niece!] ye gads!!!And in my dream, i just acted like that was normal. Then suddenly there were people at another table who were trashing my parenting skills. This one woman was attacking every emotional weak point that i have as a parent and she was relentless!!Then i went for her, to grab her throat and choke her so she'd shut up.And at that moment i grabbed something in reality. I can only think it was my pillow, but my pillow goes under my head, not beside me, in a grabbing position. I don't know what i did, but it woke me up momentarily.Then We all left the restaurant [minus John] in my sisters car, a beat up brown commodore. We stopped at a newsagent where i checked 3 of my sisters lotto tickets for her. The newsagent checked the tickets by slotting them into a cloth pocket. None of the tickets won anything.Then we all piled in the car and drove off. Don't know where :o)