So in this dream i was driving but i was the only one in the car. The kids were in someone elses car for some reason. I was last in the line of traveling cars, and when i got 2 towns over, Lithgow, i got sidetracked and ended up at a Target shopping centre car park that doubled as a security checkpoint, like at an airport. The car park had roads with arrows that went everywhere and i was getting lost. I came to a car park attendant who gave me a parking ticket and told me where to go to get out of the car park [and it was all very complicated] So i decided to leave my car there and take Johns car from there on so that i could concentrate on driving and getting out of there rather than spending all my time thinking about changing gears [coz my car is a manual/stick shift]
Then i got to a part in the car park where Rochelle [My sister] was standing outside her car. I asked how long she'd been there [She was one of the parents that was traveling with us. And that's bizarre coz she doesn't even live near me] She said she'd just got there and that everyone was there.
So then we all had to go through a checkpoint to make sure we weren't traveling with anything we shouldn't be. I found a room where people had dumped items they thought may be questionable. I had a look through some of it and took some stuff. Like a cloth handbag full of fire crackers. And a white rectangle cane basket full of newspapers from different countries that looked like good reads for the trip. A painted rock with a bead on a string and when you twang the string the bead makes music, and a few other bits and pieces.
Someone said that i might be lucky and get a checking person who is kinda lapse. But i looked over to were bags were being checked and the lady was being kinda thorough.
So i searched through the bags, looking for my own. And i made a mess of everyone elses bags and mixed things up a bit and even lost some things, causing some people to get upset. I didn't let on it was me who'd rummaged through their things though :o/
After finding my bag, i got rid of the fire crackers because i knew they'd definitely not be let through! [they are illegal in our state] and i went through the basket of magazines to make sure there was nothing hidden in there, like child porn [Eh???]
Then once i was as sure as i could be about not having anything questionable, i looked over at my car that was parked and decided I'll swap Johns car back for mine.
Then i realised i had about 20 parking tickets and i couldn't find mine in amongst them. If i couldn't produce my ticket, i couldn't get my car back! As i looked at the tickets, the writing on them got smaller and smaller until it was really hard to make out what each ticket said.
Eventually i found mine and put it in my pocket. Every so often i took it out to double check that it was mine.
And that's where the dream ended.