I was picking up stuff in the lounge room, when a commercial came on tele, One of those infomercials, about a new massaging device that every home needs! A white palm sized vibrator, just like the one in the add above. I found this very amusing because it was obviously a basic vibrator that can be purchased at any sex shop. And as the models on tele demonstrated how to use it by massaging the tense spots on their own necks and backs with the cheap, white vibrators. I sat on the couch to watch the commercial with great amusement and giggled randomly.
I think that dream came from me and a freind talking about checking out a sex shop in the next town during the weekend.
Before doing this post, i did an image search for "Funny vibrator" to put at the top of the post. I was really surprised to find the add. Maybe my mum was telling the truth when i found one of those under her mattress while making her bed, when i was 12, and she said it was for massaging her broken tail bone when i bought it out and asked her what it was :o)