But this one was really exciting, because it was about Eric Bana [The Hulk, Black Hawk Down, Troy, Troy, The Castle, Star Trek, The Time Travelers Wife, Funny People, and the comedy series Fast Forward]and i think he's the sexiest man in the world, so i won't forget in a hurry :o)

Somehow John and i got separated while trying to find our seats. From the crowd i saw where he was sitting, but was a bit annoyed that he didn't even notice that i wasn't with him.
So i went out to the foyer and waited for him to come looking for me. I went outside and it had been snowing a lot. I had bare feet and yet the snow wasn't making them that cold. My hands were freezing though! There was a couple of guys sitting outside that i didn't like the look of, so i went back into the foyer. John wasn't looking for me, so i popped my head around the corner to see where he was sitting, and he was enjoying the show. Still seemingly oblivious to my absence. So i just stayed in the foyer until the show was over. When it was over though, i moved over to the furtherest wall and stood against it as the crowd moved past me. When everyone had gone, i noticed the actors were getting ready to leave, down by the stage. They were just waiting for Eric. I walked over to them, and even though i was looking at them, they didn't really have any faces. More like paper masks [made of skin] with little beady, flat eyes.
One of them asked what i was doing, just as Eric walked out from behind the stage. I said, "Mr Bana, would you mind if i had my photo taken with you?" [I thought about adding that i was asking coz i'd missed the show, but didn't] He smiled and walked toward me, saying "Sure!" I gave one of the other guys my camera, and Eric put his arm around me to pose. I smelt beer on his breath and i figured they'd had a pre-drink drink after the show. His arm was warm and it felt really comfortable.
That's all there was. I've always fancied Eric, ever since he started his acting career. He's just all 'round awesome! John won't even watch a movie with him in it coz he knows i'll just be perving the whole time!
When he was making his movie about his car, a friend of mine met him at his car dealership. He didn't know that i drool over Eric, but i was still fuming that i wasn't told that he was going to be there so i could meet him. It STILL pisses me off to think of! lol
I've never dreamed of Eric, so last night was nice. I woke up with a smiley sigh :o)
In my dream, i hope John got run over in the parking lot lol