Last night i dreamed about Jacob Black from Twilight. I LOVE the Twilight books! And i although i think the Bella/Edward affair is the greatest love story ever, i've always had a soft spot for Jacob. I think the character is an awesome one and even though i don't really think Jacob is that attractive, the pic above is way too hot!!!
So last night i dreamed about him, but it was like a counterfeit Jacob. It was him, but not really, though I dunno how that worked.
I can't remember how i met him, it was at someones place and there were lots of people there. We were kinda pushed together as friends, and we sat together while other people were talking or while watching tele etc. At one point he leaned against me while we were watching tele, and i felt really comfortable with that, but a little awkward at the same time. It was nice.
Then something happened to cause the police to be on their way, and everyone scattered. Jacob and i took off together, through the dark night time streets that were wet coz it had been raining.
We were trying to get back to our house. We both shape-shifted, him into a dog and me into a cat, so we could run and not get noticed. The police nearly caught up to us behind a shop and so we swapped shapes [i turned into a dog, and he, a cat] to confuse the police.
We got back to our place, which was an upstairs old 1920's apartment building. We lived in flats opposite each other. We changed back into people but to swap our animal characters back we had to do this weird thing: Outside our flats was a toaster each. We had to put bread in a toaster, wait for it to pop up, put a bowl on the floor, and the person had to be at the toaster within a curtain time to get their shape back. So i put Jacobs bread in the toaster but when the toast popped up, my dog Buddy jumped up and took a bite out of it, causing Jacob to vanish.
This really bothered me, it was a real loss. At every opportunity i put a new bit of bread in the toaster, hoping that it would bring Jacob back, But it never worked. I even hung out in his flat at times, trying to be closer to him. His walls were covered in black posters of various bands and movies. Anthrax, Metallica, Scarface, The Godfather etc. And he had lots of pot plants.
I went through old photos of me because i thought the answer to getting him back might have been in one of them. My family came over while i was sorting through photos and i couldn't tell them what i was doing, or about the toast thing, because they would think i was nuts. I went for a walk somewhere and when i came back, i looked at Jacobs flat windows, trying to find the answer there. Then i woke up.
All day i've felt that strange loss. We were going to watch New Moon [again] tonight, but i decided not to, coz i felt weird about that dream.