I asked about John and the kids: what would they do while i was in hospital for the duration of the recovery from the surgery? He asked who john and the kids were. i told him they were the ones that had been visiting Daniel and i in hospital. He asked who Daniel was.....
He then tried to tell me that i was in hospital alone, awaiting surgery, and i had no family.
I started to panic then. Why would this doctor lie to me about that? But why would i imagine my whole life?
So the doctor took me back to my house. It was the family home that i remembered living a family life. But it was baron with evidence of living a fantasy life. The walls weren't painted the bright, happy colours i remembered. There was minimal things in the house. A few old toys that i had remembered as a brilliant toy room. A run down kitchen with a few utensils that i had remembered as a lively family hub. A lounge room with a milk crate and ripped curtain, that i had remembered as a lazy family TV room.
I didn't understand where it had all gone. How could i live a whole life and imagine the people i loved, each and every day?
But what i saw was the truth. I knew it was the truth and not just a trick. As soon as it had been brought to my attention, i knew it was the truth.
My whole world and everything i treasured was a lie.
I was taken back to the hospital to await my surgery. I felt so alone that my life seemed like a big black hole, with absolutely no future what-so-ever.
No Johnny
No Rosie
No Jason
And no Daniel
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